EasterAn Easter message from Pastor Ian.
TornPastor Ian discusses the significance of the veil being torn when Jesus died on the cross.
Guest Speaker: Julian BurgessGuest speaker Julian Burgess shares a message.
The True AdamPastor Ian outlines how Jesus was the "True Adam" and perfectly obeyed God, bringing life to everyone who believes.
The Lost Son
Pastor Ian shares the parable of the lost son in Luke 15:11-24.
CommitPastor Ian shows what it means to commit to Jesus, be a living sacrifice, and have truly worship God.
Hope at the Bottom of the MountainPastor Ian shares a message on Romans 8:28, 35-39.
The Root of the IssuePastor Ian discuss what the root of the issue is and the radical remedy needed to solve the issue at hand. He also shares how our need for Jesus resembles a check engine light.
The GospelPastor Ian covers Romans 1:16-17 and outlines the origin, operation, outcome, and outreach of the gospel.