Time to Grow UpPastor Ian outlines what it means for us to be adopted children of Christ by showing what we were before Christ, what Christ did, and what we are now in Christ.
Now is the Time |
Do You Honor Your Commitments?Pastor Ian uses Malachi 2:1-16 to discuss what it means to honor your commitments to God.
When God Leads the WayPastor Ian delivers a message on Exodus 33:12-23.
It's All About GodPastor Ian delivers a message on Psalm 42 & 43.
A New Identity for a New YearPastor Ian shares practical tips on how to remain focused on Jesus and rid your life of everything that isn't Christlike.
How to Find Joy in ChristmasPastor Ian outlines how what you seek, where you look, and what you give impacts how joyful Christmas is.
Psalm 41Pastor Ian preaches from Psalm 41 on integrity, treachery, mercy, and glory.
Psalm 40Pastor Ian brings a message on how God has and is able to bring people out of difficult situations and bring them to worship.
ThanksgivingPastor Ian brings a message on thankfulness through what God has done for us.
Ezekiel 43 |
Psalm 38Pastor Ian brings a message from Psalm 38.
Psalm 37A message on what it means to trust in the Lord and how the Lord sees you in your situation.
Psalm 36The psalm is attributed to David "the servant of the LORD.” David pandered the reality of evil in God's world (1-4), he praised God's character (5-9) & then he prayed that God would protect him from evil & eventually judge the wicked. He solved the perplexing problem of evil in the world by being a worshipper, not a philosopher & by taking personal responsibility to obey God and serve Him. If there were more salt & light in this world, there’d be less decay & darkness in society.
Psalm 35Pastor Ian outlines Psalm 35 and David's three requests to God.
The Tale of Two FailuresA message from guest speaker Joe Ellyson.
Keeping Us Out Of Tight SituationsPastor Ian outlines through a study on Psalm 34 how Christians can avoid getting into situations that cause them to live unrighteously.
ChoicesPastor Ian discusses the rich man and the beggar in Luke 16:19-31. This passage points out two choices that you have: live for God or live for yourself.
Psalm 33Pastor Ian delivers a powerful message on who should worship the Lord and how they should worship the Lord.
Into Your Hands
New Beginnings
Psalm 29Pastor Ian continues the Are We Worshipful series with a study
on Psalm 29. |
"P" & "P"
First Things First
Bearing Fruit That Impacts The Nations
Vindication, Examination, and Redemption
Six Signs We Need To Return To God
The Good Shepherd
So, You'll Never Forget
A Road Trip That Changed Everything
A message from Ed and Joy with JAARS |
A Mother Who Gave
Special message by Pastor Buck Hill |
What's Your Decision?
If A Man Is Dead, Can He Live Again?
The Parade and People Who'd Never Forget
What are you doing?
The Power of Worship
Judging or Judged
Discipline can be Painful
Get Rid of the Pain of Guilt
Can Dry Bones Live Again?
The Name of the King (Psalm 8)A study of how God's name is great because of His glory, love, and grace.
Meeting, Seeking, Submitting (Psalm 5)Pastor Ian discusses the posture we should have when meeting with the Lord each day, seeking Him in all that we do, and submitting to His rule and making His desires our desires.
The 3 C's (Psalm 3)Pastor Ian summarizes Psalm 3 with the 3 C's: Conflict, Confidence, and Celebration.
When will mankind learn? (Psalm 2)Pastor Ian goes over Psalm two and what it would mean for mankind to learn of both the love and wrath of God
Receiving, Being, or Needing (Psalm 1)
Pastor Ian discusses the differences between Receiving a blessing, Being a blessing to others, and Needing a blessing.